What You Need to Know


On Wednesday, June 17th, The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners voted to make Facial Coverings mandatory throughout Monroe County, effective immediately.  Please refer to the link below for the full article. For now, here is what you need to know:


  1. Facial Coverings are MANDATORY for all business employees and customers, when the business is in practice under a roof.  This includes public settings under a roof.  

  2. All people over 6 years of age should carry Facial Coverings, and they should be worn when within 6 feet of another person.

  3. Facial Coverings can be removed when seated to eat or drink, ensuring that there is 6 feet distance between the next person.  The same holds true for actively working out at gyms.

  4. Facial Coverings must cover the mouth and nose and can include "face mask, homemade mask, or other cloth, silk, or linen covering, such as a scarf, bandana, handkerchief, or other similar cloth covering."

  5. You can get fined for not wearing a Facial Covering.

  6. To report any instance of non-compliance throughout The Florida Keys, refer to the article for contact information.

    What This Means for Showing Real Estate:

The Market has been extremely active during this time. Home values are holding steady and further increased activity is expected in the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020. How we have adapted during this time:

  1. We have been doing an increased amount of virtual showings to narrow down lists before physical showings. We work with all platforms from Zoom, Facebook, Duo, Skype, House Party, Marco Polo and beyond.

  2. It's time to integrate and take advantage of exciting marketing plans when selling, like Virtual Open Houses and Live Walk-Throughs.

  3. When it's time to meet in person, Facial Coverings must be worn, and keeping 6 feet distance recommended.  I'd like to shake your hand, but instead will offer you sanitizer. 

The Florida Keys are an extremely unique Real Estate Market.  During strange times like this, we are learning new techniques and applying them to aid in smooth and successful transactions. We look forward to helping you buy, sell, or rent today!

~I hope you and yours are safe, healthy, and well. Please reach out to me at any time I'm here to help! - Erin



Posted by Erin Kiel on


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